
Tutorials are step-by-step cookbooks for common activities that incorporate several packages. They are more specific and less conceptual than Guides but more extended than Examples.


Guides are comprehensive, conceptually-focused documents providing stand-alone introductions to core packages in addition to the underlying astronomical concepts.


Documentation is the complete description of a package with all requisite details, including usage, dependencies, and examples.


Examples are stand-alone code snippets that live in the astropy documentation that demonstrate a specific functionality within a package.

Astropy packages
Non-astropy packages
Companion Content

Analyzing UVES Spectroscopy with Astropy

This tutorial follows my real live data analysis of MN Lup and the code developed below is taken (with only minor modifications) from the code that I used to actually prepare the publication. The plots that will be developed below appear in very similar form in the article published in ApJ, 771, 1, 70.

Make a plot with both redshift and universe age axes using astropy.cosmology

Each redshift corresponds to an age of the universe, so if you're plotting some quantity against redshift, it's often useful show the universe age too. The relationship between the two changes depending the type of cosmology you assume, which is where astropy.cosmology comes in. In this tutorial we'll show how to use the tools in astropy.cosmology to make a plot

Transforming positions and velocities to and from a Galactocentric frame

This document shows a few examples of how to use and customize the Galactocentric frame to transform Heliocentric sky positions, distance, proper motions, and radial velocities to a Galactocentric, Cartesian frame, and the same in reverse.